Mga konsumedor sang PECO nga may reklamo sa over billing, nagtambung sa committee hearing may kaangtanan sa proposed ordinance ni Councilor Joshua Alim nga pagamit sang meter reading card system
Iloilo City–Nagsulong ang mga konsumedor sang panay electric company nga may reklamo sa over billing sa public hearing sang Committee on Public Utilities nga ginapamunuan ni Councilor R. Leone Gerochi.
May kaangtanan ini sa proposed ordinance ni Councilor Joshua Alim nga maga-require sa PECO sa pagamit sang meter-reading card system agud maproteheran ang mga konsumedor sa erroneous biling. Ginabanta 20 ka konsumedor ang nag-abot sa venue sang hearing sa City Hall kag nagpa-utwas sang gulpi nga pagsaka sa ila balayran sa PECO.
Nagpresentar naman si Engr. Randy Pastolero, Vice President for Operations sang PECO, sang alternative proposal sa meter reading card system.
Ginduso sang PECO para sa immediate ukon short term solutions ang:
- paghatag sang long-term payment plan para sa na- accumulate nga bills;
- gilayon nga verification sa kwestyunable nga billing kag pag-adjust kon may sala;
- pagreformat sang electric bill;
- paglakip sa bill sang masunod nga meter reading date;
- paghatag sang text kag call hotline para sa reading verification; kag
- partial implementation sang advanced metering infrastructure program ukon AMI-P ukon ginatawag man nga smart meter
Lakip sa medium-term solutions ang paghatag sang web portal para sa mga customers kag implementasyon sang batch 1 sang smart meters sa lima ka libo ka customers. Samtang long term solution naman ang full implementation sang smart meters. (AGB)
I suggest that we should combine the classical way which is the card method and the new technology by using the wifi camera or smart phone.
1. PECO will issue a weatherproof sticker containing the meter serial number and the establishment owner and will be attached to the front of the meter near the meter readout.
2 . Meter readers will take a picture of the KW reading on the meter with a date and time stamp and including the meter serial number and owner.
3. The picture will then be verified by the owner by signing the card with the kw used on that month.
4. Meter readers will then upload the picture immediately to the PECO website for for recording.
This process will prevent illegal transaction between the reader and the owner because there is an actual picture of the meter reading . Immediate uploading of the picture will give less time for meter readers to tamper the picture by editing.
PECO should have a members site so that members can access their bill, kilowatt used and previous bill.
I hope this will help.