Apelasyon sang Guimaras Provincial Gov’t nga i-extend ang operation sang mga pumpboats, gin-deny sang MARINA
GUIMARAS – Gin-deny sang Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) ang apelasyon sang Guimaras Provincial government nga i-extend ang Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) sang mga pumpboats nga nagabyahe Iloilo pa-Guimaras kag vice versa nga nag-expire sang Disyembre 31, 2020.
Base ini sa sulat ni MARINA Administrator retired Vice Admiral Robert A. Empedrad nga na-address sa provincial government.
“However, in as much as we would like to accommodate their requests, we regret to inform the good governor that we can no longer delay the implementation of the phase-out program for wooden-hulled passenger ships under MC 2016-02,” base sa sulat sang MARINA.
Nagapati ang MARINA nga ma-cater sang limitado nga numero sang modernized boats ang linibo ka mga pasahero nga nagabyahe kada adlaw sa nasambit nga ruta.
“On the apprehension that there will be shortage of boat service in the province, rest assured that MARINA will field/invite other boat operators to operate in the routes should it become necessary.
It is however our opinion that with the presence of two Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) boats and two steel-hulled ships in the Buenavista, Guimaras – Iloilo route, the route is sufficiently served; and with the presence of two FRP boats, one steel-hulled ship and three Ro-Ro vessels in the Jordan, Guimaras – Iloilo route, the route can be considered as fully served,” dugang ni Empedrad.
Una na nagginutok ang mga pasahero sa pantalan bangud sa kakulang sang mga sakayan sugod nga ginpauntat byahe ang mga pumpboats.