Business permit sang PECO, gin-revoke
By: JoMaque | May 11, 2020
Iloilo City—Gin-revoke ang business permit sang Panay Electric Company paagi sa Executive order 071 series of 2020 ni Iloilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas.
Ginserbe sang mga personnel sang Business Permits and Licensing Office, PSTMO kag PNP ang EO las 9:20 subong nga aga, Mayo 11.
Madumduman nga nag-issue sang notice of revocation of business permit ang BPLO sa PECO sang Abril 2.
Dugang diri, ginhatagan sang 10 days ang PECO nga mag-submit sang Legislative franchise kag Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity.
Bangud wala nakapasa ang PECO, revoked and cancelled ang ila business permit.